Nurse Anesthetist Programs By State

Do you want to see which CRNA Schools are available in your state? Check out our map below to find out the specific colleges in each state and links to their individual review pages. Note that the states colored in grey do not have any nurse anesthetist programs/schools currently available.

USA map of schools


UAB – University of Alabama at Birmingham: Degree you will receive: DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice)

It has been accredited by the COA until 2020 and is recognized by the IFNA (International Federation of Nurse Anesthetists). According to the U.S. News & World Report 2016, this school is ranked at #65 which is a step up since it previously ranked #72 in the 2011 report. It will take 3 years to complete on a full time basis.

Samford University: Degree you will receive: MSN (Masters of Science in Nursing)

It takes 3 years to finish and it should be noted that this school is a Baptist, Christian school which means that Christian values and concepts are spread throughout the curriculum. It is currently ranked #51 whereas it ranked #32 in 2011. This program has also been accredited by the COA until 2025.


There are no nurse anesthesia schools in Alaska.


University of Arizona (College Of Nursing): Degree you will receive: DNP

This program will take 3 years to finish and is actually a relatively young program that is being offered by the University. It’s first accreditation was in 2015 and is valid until 2020 until it has to be reviewed again. Due to the age of this program, it has not been ranked as yet by the COA.

Midwestern University Glendale: Degree you will receive: MSN

It will take 27 months to complete this program. This school was accredited for 10 years, up until 2021 and is quite stable.


Arkansas State University: Degree you will receive: MSN

This program will take about 28 months to complete. It has been accredited until 2024 by the COA, however, the ranking for this school has not been published. This school is located in Jonesboro which is a very conservative, Christian region. It is also the only university in Arkansas to offer this program.


Samuel Merritt University: Degree you will receive: DNP

This program will take 2 years and 3 months to complete on a full time basis. It is currently ranked #18 in the U.S. News & World Report 2016 which is a small drop in ranking since it was previously ranked #11 in the 2011 report. This is a very stable program that was granted accreditation in 2014 for 10 years, until review again in 5/2024.

California State University, Fullerton: Degree you will receive:  MSN

This CRNA program will take approximately 2 years to complete and is currently being offered in partnership with the Kaiser Permanente School of Anesthesia (KPSA). It is currently ranked #4 in the U.S. News & World Report 2016 which is a significant increase since it was ranked #22 in 2011. This program is currently accredited by the COA until review on 05/2017.

National University: Degree you will receive: DNAP

This program will take 2 years and 3 months to complete and is currently being offered on the Fresno Campus of the National University. It is ranked #100 in the U.S. News & World Report 2016 whereas in 2011, it was not ranked. This program was last reviewed in 2017 and is currently accredited until review in May, 2027.

Loma Linda University: Degree you will receive: MSN

This program will take 2 years and 6 months to complete. It was not ranked in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report, however, this school is now ranked #43 in the 2016 report which is a huge improvement. This program was accredited for 6 years by the COA due to being a relatively new program and is up for review in May, 2017.

University of Southern California: Degree you will receive: DNAP

This program will take 3 years to complete. It was ranked #41 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report but is now ranked #10 in the 2016 report which is a notable improvement. This program was accredited for 10 years and is up for review in May, 2019 which indicated this is a very stable program.


Texas Wesleyan University: Degree you will receive: MSN

This is a distance learning CRNA program which can be done in 9 states (Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, North Dakota, Ohio and Texas). There are currently 20 different clinical facilities and the program will take 2 years and 4 months to complete. It is currently ranked #74 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report which is a slight decline from being ranked #72 in the 2011 report. This program is fully accredited by the COA for 10 years until 10/2021.


Yale New Haven Hospital Of Nurse Anesthesia: Degree you will receive: DNP

This program will take 3 years to complete. This program is currently ranked #51 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report which is an improvement over its previous rank of #63 in 2011. It has 10 years of accreditation by the COA and will be up for review again in October, 2025.

Fairfield University and Bridgeport Hospital: Degree you will receive: DNP

This program will take 3 years to complete. It was ranked #63 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and is currently ranked #51 in the 2016 report. This school has been awarded 10 years of accreditation by the COA and will be reviewed again in October, 2020.

Quinnipiac University: Degree you will receive: DNP

This is the newest school to offer a DNP program in Connecticut and it will take 3 years to complete. This program was not ranked in 2011 but is now ranked #63 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report. It was given a 5 year accreditation which will be up for review in October, 2019.

Integrated Anesthesia Associates: Degree you will receive: DNP

This program will take 3 years to complete and is an academic affiliation agreement with the Central Connecticut State University. This program is currently ranked #51 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report. It is a new program that received accreditation in August, 2013 for 5 years and will be reviewed again in October, 2018.


There are no nurse anesthesia schools in Delaware.


University Of Miami: Degree you will receive: DNP

This program will take 3 years to complete. It was ranked #72 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and is now ranked #88 in the 2016 report which is a slight decline. It has a full 10 year accreditation by the COA and will be up for review in October, 2018.

Barry University: Degree you will receive: DNP

It will take 2 years and 4 months to complete this CRNA program. This school was ranked #64 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and is currently ranked #94 in the 2016 report. It has been given the full 10 years accreditation by the COA and is up for review in October 2020.

Adventist University of Health Sciences (ADU): Degree you will receive: MSN, however, will transition to DNP in 2018 with approval from the COA.

This program was formerly Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences (FHCHS) and it will take 2 years and 4 months to complete the MSN whereas the DNP will take 3 years. It was ranked #90 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report, however, it is currently not ranked in the 2016 report. The last accreditation review for this program was in 2013 and it is currently accredited until review again in May 2020.

University of North Florida: Degree you will receive: DNP

It will take 3 years to complete this program and it is currently ranked #105 according to the 2016 U.S. News & World Report. This program was granted 10 years of accreditation by the COA which indicates that it is in full compliance with their accreditation standards. It is up for review in October, 2019.

University of South Florida: Degree you will receive: MSN

This university is located in Tampa, Florida and this CRNA program will take 2 years and 4 months to complete. It was ranked #90 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and is currently ranked #94 in the 2016 report. This program is fully accredited by the COA since it received the maximum 10 years accreditation which will be up for review in 2021.

Florida Gulf Coast University: Degree you will receive: MSN

This university is located in Fort Myers, Florida and the program will take 2 years and 4 months to complete. It was ranked #90 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and is now ranked #51 in the 2016 report which is a very significant improvement. This program was granted 10 years accreditation by the COA and is up for review in October, 2022.

Wolford College: Degree you will receive: MSN

This college is located in Naples Florida and will take 2 years and 4 months to finish. The CRNA program was ranked #90 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report but is currently not ranked in the 2016 report. It was granted 8 years accreditation by the COA which is up for review in October, 2016.

Florida International University: Degree you will receive: DNP

This university is in Miami, Florida and is noted to be one of the the first and few CRNA schools that have simulation based education throughout their program. The DNP program was initiated in January, 2017 and it will take 3 years to complete. This program was ranked #90 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and is currently ranked #88 in the 2016 report which is a slight improvement. It is was granted 8 years accreditation from the COA which is up for review in May, 2018.

Florida State University: Degree you will receive: MSN

This university is located in Panama City, Florida and the program will take 2 years and 4 months to complete. This program was not ranked in the 2011 and 2016 U.S. News & World Report. It was granted 5 years accreditation from the COA which is up for review in 2020.


Augusta University: Degree you will receive: DNP

This was formerly known as the Georgia Regents University but is now Augusta University. It will take 3 years to complete this nurse anesthetist program and it is currently ranked #100 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report. This program was granted 5 years accreditation from the COA which will be reviewed in 2022.

Emory University: Degree you will receive: DNP

This is a brand new program which was just started in 2017. It will take 3 years to complete and due to being new, has not been ranked as yet. It was reviewed by the COA in May 2017 and was given 6 years accreditation which will be up for review in May, 2023.


There are no CRNA schools in Hawaii.


No schools in Idaho


Rush University: Degree you will receive: DNP

This program will take 3 years and 4 months to complete. It is currently ranked #4 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report and has held this ranking from since 2007 which indicates it is a very stable and high quality program. It was awarded the maximum 10 years accreditation from the COA which is up for review in May, 2025.

NorthShore University HealthSystem School of Nurse Anesthesia & DePaul University: Degree you will receive: DNP

This is one of the oldest nurse anesthesia programs in the U.S. and will take 3 years to complete. It was ranked #72 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and is currently ranked #36 in the 2016 report which is a very notable increase in rank. This was the first nurse anesthesia program to ever be accredited by the COA in 1952 and is currently accredited for the maximum 10 year period. It will be up for review in October, 2025 which shows this is a very stable program.

Rosalind Franklin University: Degree you will receive: DNAP

This university is located in North Chicago, IL and it will take 3 years to complete the nurse anesthesia program. It was ranked #72 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and it is currently ranked #65 in the 2016 report, which is a slight improvement. This school was accredited for 10 years by the COA and will be up for review again in 2022.

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville: Degree you will receive: Post-Masters DNP

This program will take 3 years to complete. It was ranked #72 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and is currently ranked #51. This school has been granted a full 10 years accreditation which is up for review in May, 2020.

Millikin University & Decatur Memorial Hospital: Degree you will receive: DNP

It will take 3 years to complete this program. This school was ranked #63 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and is currently ranked #51 which is a small improvement. It was given 6 years accreditation by the COA which is up for review in October, 2016


No Schools available.


University of Iowa: Degree you will receive: DNP

It will take 3 years to complete this program. This school was ranked #11 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and is currently ranked #10 in the 2016 report which shows an upward trend. It was given the 10 years maximum accreditation by the COA which will be up for review in October, 2020.


University of Kansas: Degree you will receive: DNP

This university was among the first to offer a DNP in the U.S. for nurse anesthesia and the entire program will take approximately 3 years to finish. It was ranked #48 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and is currently ranked #29 in the 2016 report which is a significant improvement. This program was granted the full 10 years accreditation by the COA which will be up for review in May, 2020.

Newman University: Degree you will receive: MSN

This university is located in Wichita, Kansas and the CRNA program will take 3 years to finish. This school was ranked #72 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and is ranked #43 in the 2016 report. It has been granted 10 years  accreditation by the COA which will be reviewed once more in May, 2021.


Baptist Health & Murray State University: Degree you will receive: DNP

This program will take 3 years to complete. It was ranked #100 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and is currently ranked #88 in the 2016 report. It was given the maximum 10 years accreditation by the COA which will be reviewed again in October, 2021.


Our Lady Of The Lake College (OLOL): Degree you will receive: DNP

This is one of two CRNA schools in Louisiana and it will take 3 years to complete this program. It is currently ranked #31 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report. This school was given 10 years of accreditation by the COA and is up for review in October, 2018.

Louisiana State University (LSU): Degree you will receive: DNP/ Post Masters DNP

This program will take 3 years to complete on a full time basis. It was ranked #72 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and is currently ranked #36 which is a huge improvement in rank. This program has 10 years of accreditation by the COA which will be reviewed in May, 2023.


University of New England: Degree you will receive: MSN

This is the only university to offer a nurse anesthetist program in Maine and it will take 2 years and 3 months to complete. It was ranked #48 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and is currently ranked #88 in the 2016 report which is quite a decline in rank. This program was given 10 years accreditation by the COA and will be reviewed in May, 2021.


University of Maryland: Degree you will receive: DNP

It will take 3 years to complete this program. It is currently ranked #10 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report which indicates this is an excellent program. This nurse anesthetist school was accredited for the maximum 10 years by the COA and will be up for review in October, 2017.

Uniformed Services University of The Health Sciences: Degree you will receive: DNP

This program will take 3 years to complete. It was ranked #5 in the 2011 U.S. News & World Report and is currently ranked #4 in the 2016 report. This is a very stable program that was fully accredited by the COA for 10 years and will be reviewed again in October, 2023.


Northeastern University: Degree you will receive: MSN, Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS)

This program will take approximately 3 years full time in order to complete it. This school currently has a #22 ranking in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report and was previously ranked #26 in the 2011 report. According to the COA, this school has 10 years accreditation and will be up for review again in May, 2024.

Boston College: Degree you will receive: MSN, Post Master’s Certificate

This program is a joint effort between William F. Connell School of Nursing and the Anesthesia Associates of Massachusetts (AAM) and is extremely popular with over 100+ applicants every year. It was ranked #32 in the 2007 U.S. News & World Report, #26 in the 2011 report and #22 in the 2016 report. This school has 10 years of accreditation by the COA and is up for review in May, 2026.


Wayne State University: Degree you will receive: MSN

This is quite an old program that was created back in 1963. It is currently ranked #22 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report and was ranked #17 in 2011 and #16 in 2007. It will take about 3 years to complete. According to the COA, it has 10 years of accreditation which will be up for review in May, 2024.

Michigan State University: Degree you will receive: DNP

The Michigan State University CRNA program is currently ranked #29 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report and was ranked #32 in the 2011 report. It will take 2 years and 4 months to complete it on a full time basis. According to the COA, it has been accredited for 10 years which is up for review again in October 2023.

University of Detroit Mercy: Degree you will receive: MSN

This particular school is well known and respected as they are typically asked to speak at various state and national conferences. Currently, 100% of their graduates are fully employed within the first 6 months of finishing the nurse anesthetist program. They are currently ranked #10 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report and was ranked #11 in the 2011 report and #16 in the 2007 report. According to the COA, they have 10 years of accreditation which is up for review in October, 2025.

Oakland University Beaumont: Degree you will receive: DNP, Post Master’s Certificate

This school is currently ranked #18 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report and was ranked #17 in the 2011 report and #11 in the 2007 report. It has been accredited by the COA from October 2012 to October, 2022 when it will be reviewed again. It will take about three years to complete the program on a full time basis.

University of Michigan-Flint: Degree you will receive: DNAP, Post Master’s to DNP

This university has a current ranking of #22 in the 016 U.S. News & World Report and was ranked #22 in the 2011 report and #32 in the 2007 report. It will take three years to complete the program. It has 10 years of accreditation from May, 2014 to May, 2024 when it will be reviewed once again.


University of Minnesota Twin Cities: Degree you will receive: DNP, Post Master’s DNP

What makes this particular university stand out from the rest is that it is 1 of the 16 DNP programs in the country. It is currently ranked #29 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report and was ranked #48 in 2011 and #42 in 2007. It’s current accreditation is from January, 2009 to October 2018.

Mayo Clinic College Of Medicine: Degree you will receive: DNAP

This program is currently ranked #10 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report and was ranked #22 in 2011 and # 26 in 2007. It’s current accreditation is from October 2013 to October 2023. This program unlike most others will take you 3 years and 6 months to complete but it has an excellent placement outlook for students.

St Mary University of Minnesota: Degree you will receive: MSN

This program is currently ranked #43 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report. It’s current accreditation is from October 2010 to October 2020. It will only take approximately 2 years and 4 months to complete.

Minneapolis School of Anesthesia: Degree you will receive: MSN

This program is currently ranked #22 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report and was ranked # 32 in 2011 and #26 in 2007. It’s current accreditation is from May, 2015 to May 2025. It is a 3 year, full time program.


University Of Southern Mississippi: Degree you will receive: DNP

This program is not currently ranked in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report. The COA has granted this school two years of accreditation from October 2017 to October 2019. This is the only school to offer a nurse anesthesia program in Mississippi.


Webster University: Degree you will receive: DNAP

This program is currently ranked #43 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report and was ranked #48 in 2011 and #42 in 2007. It’s current accreditation is from October 2011 to May, 2020 and will take approximately 2 years and 6 months to complete.

Goldfarb School Of Nursing: Degree you will receive: MSN

This program is currently ranked #18 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report and was ranked #7 in 2011 and #26 in 2007. It’s current accreditation is from October 2015 to October 2025. If you decide on studying at this school, it will take 2 years and 4 months to complete the program.

Truman Medical Centers School of Nurse Anesthesia: Degree you will receive: DNP

This program is currently ranked #65 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report and was ranked #72 in 2011 and #42 in 2007. It’s current accreditation by the COA is from May, 2015 to May, 2025. The entire program will take 3 years to complete. What sets this school apart from the others is that it has a low student to faculty ratio so that each student gets as much attention as needed to ensure their success.

Missouri State School of Anesthesia: Degree you will receive: RN-DNAP, CRNA to DNAP

This program is currently ranked #74 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report and was ranked #85 in 2011. It’s current accreditation from the COA is from October 2016 to October 2026. The entire program is 3 years long.


No CRNA programs/schools in Montana.


Clarkson College: Degree you will receive: DNP

This program began in 2010 and is currently ranked #81 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report. It’s current accreditation is from June 2016 to May 2026 and it’s first accreditation was in May, 2010. The entire program will take 2 years 6 month to complete.

Bryan College: Degree you will receive: DNAP

This program is currently ranked #51 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report and was ranked #55 in 2011 and #52 in 2007. It’s current accreditation is from October, 2010 to October, 2020. The entire program is 3 years long.


No nurse anesthetist schools in Nevada.

New Hampshire

No CRNA Schools in New Hampshire.

New Jersey

Rutgers School Of Nursing Anesthesia ( formerly University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey): Degree you will receive: DNP

This program is currently ranked # 81 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report and was ranked #63 in 2011. It’s current accreditation is from October, 2008 to June, 2018 and it was actually first accredited in 2004 when the nurse anesthesia program was introduced. It will take 3 years to complete.

Our Lady Of Lourdes Medical Center: Degree you will receive: MSN, Post Master’s Certificate

This program is currently accredited by the COA from October 2009 to October 2019. It will take 2 years and 3 months to complete which makes it one of the shorter programs available. It is current ranked #106 in the 2016 U.S. News & World Report.

New Mexico

No schools available.

New York

State University of New York Downstate Medical Center: Degree you will receive:

State University of New York at Buffalo: Degree you will receive:

Albany Medical College: Degree you will receive:

Columbia University: Degree you will receive:

North Carolina

Wakeforest School of Medicine: Degree you will receive:

East Carolina University: Degree you will receive:

Duke University: Degree you will receive:

Raleigh School Of Nurse Anesthesia (with University of Carolina Greensboro): Degree you will receive:

Carolina Medical Center (with University of North Carolina at Charlotte): Degree you will receive:

Western Carolina University: Degree you will receive:

North Dakota

University of North Dakota: Degree you will receive:


University of Cincinnati: Degree you will receive:

Cleveland Clinic Foundation: Degree you will receive:

Otterbein University: Degree you will receive:

The University of Akron: Degree you will receive:

Frances Payne Bolton: Degree you will receive:

Lourdes University: Degree you will receive:

St Elizabeth Health Center: Degree you will receive:


No CRNA universities in Oklahoma.


Oregon Health & Science University: Degree you will receive:


Thomas Jefferson University: Degree you will receive:

University of Pittsburgh: Degree you will receive:

University of Pennsylvania: Degree you will receive:

Bloomsburg University: Degree you will receive:

Drexel University: Degree you will receive:

La Roche College (Allegheny School of Anesthesia): Degree you will receive:

University of Scranton: Degree you will receive:

Saint Vincent College (with Excela Health): Degree you will receive:

UPMC Hamot (with Gannon University): Degree you will receive:

York College of Pennsylvania/ WellSpan Health: Degree you will receive:

Frank J Tornetta School of Anesthesia (at Einstein Medical Cente0r Montgomery): Degree you will receive:

Villanova University (with Crozer Chester Medical Center): Degree you will receive:

Rhode Island

St Joseph Hospital School of Anesthesia: Degree you will receive:

Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island: Degree you will receive:

South Carolina

University of South Carolina (with Palmetto Richland Memorial Hospital): Degree you will receive:

Medical University of South Carolina: Degree you will receive:

South Dakota

Mount Marty School of Anesthesia: Degree you will receive:


University of Tennesse Knoxville: Degree you will receive:

University of Tennesse Chattanooga: Degree you will receive:

University of Tennesse Health Science Center: Degree you will receive:

Lincoln Memorial University: Degree you will receive:

Union University: Degree you will receive:

Middle Tennesse School of Anesthesia: Degree you will receive:


Texas Wesleyan University: Degree you will receive:

Baylor College: Degree you will receive:

University of Texas Houston: Degree you will receive:

U.S. Army Graduate Program In Anesthesia Nursing: Degree you will receive:

Texas Christian University: Degree you will receive:


Westminster College: Degree you will receive:


No Schools


Virginia Commonwealth University: Degree you will receive:

Old Dominion University: Degree you will receive:


Gonzaga University (with Sacred Heart Medical Center): Degree you will receive:

West Virginia

Charleston Area Medical Center: Degree you will receive:


University of Wisconsin La-Crosse (with Mayo Clinic Health System Franciscan Healthcare): Degree you will receive:


No Schools

Puerto Rico

University of Puerto Rico: Degree you will receive:

Antillean Adventist University: Degree you will receive:

InterAmerican University: Degree you will receive: